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Sling rider

A reader has sent us this clip of a man riding the slings to reach the height of 10 metres to sling a container. Either the contractor has not provided an alternative, or he fancies himself as a bit of a circus performer? Or he is simply too lazy to climb a ladder or a bit of a show off? Although he looks as though he is clinging on for dear life.
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This stunt took at least two to tango - the performer himself and the truck crane operator who is operating with a remote controller, and there probably others on site. While the chances of him falling are limited, apart from when he transfers from the clings to the top of the container, it is patently bad practice and could easily have ended in tears.
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One thing's for sure, the Death Wish Series has found its weekly star!

Have a safe, grounded weekend!

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Probably rode the auxiliary line down, or stayed on top of the container and rode it down.

All in all, two clowns who should be sent back to the circus right away........!

Jul 28, 2023

Hairy enough going up. How did he get down again!!

Jul 28, 2023