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Sloppy Swiss lift

Spotted in Basel, Switzerland, this week a man using a small loader crane to lift a tubular load – carpet or sewer pipe? - from a building, whilst standing under the load in the middle of a busy road.
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The load is unbalanced to the point where our man appears to be using the tag line to balance the load

The load is clearly poorly slung and unbalanced, to the point where our man appears to be using the tag line to balance the load rather than guide it. If it was to slip from the shoddy slinging, he is likely to get hit, and if that doesn’t do for him the passing traffic most likely will. Where to begin with this one? The lifting area has not been cordoned off, a simple private car warning triangle appears to have been placed behind the truck, the man is standing in the traffic lane, the truck has outriggers down, but no mats – even though it is set up on a tarmac pavement/side walk, which are notorious for hiding basements and voids.
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A lorry veers to avoid hitting the man

It seems that this time the crew got away with it. But sooner or later this sort of gambling will generate a loss. In the words of our reader: “It's OK, he’s wearing a hi-viz jacket. He’s invincible.”

Definitely one for our the Death Wish series.


Maybe this was their first rodeo!

Jul 12, 2016