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Death Wish videos

We have been sent yet another video clip of stupidity on site, this time with construction workers in central Europe, fooling around while lifting with a tower crane.

We have seen two video clips from this site both of which show some totally stupid and dangerous tomfoolery with the crane. In this clip one of the construction workers rides a pallet fork to the top of the building while the operator fools about with the controls in a bid to scare him.

We love a good laugh but antics like this are a form of ‘Russian Roulette’ and can so easily end in tears. Hopefully this building gets completed without a death… although the odds are clearly stacked against it with idiots like this.

Click here to see the video

If you know this job site or contractor perhaps you might have a quiet word?


Warwick n/a
What a clown, looks like the person riding the pallet fork is also the operator as you can see the remote controller hanging in front of him as he walked out the building, Looks to be a self erector crane. Would not surprised if he had been sharing a beer or two with the other guy's in the video before he decided to do it. Wonder how funny they would have found it had he fallen?

May 5, 2010