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Do you want me or not?

Around 10 days ago following his latest spat with the unions, Atlas crane owner Fil Filipov sent a letter to the company’s employees which, put simply says do you want me as owner or not?

The move follows a seven week strike last year that ended up with the employees returning to work without concessions and more recently with the union taking the company to court for every issue, no matter how minor.
Filipov decided to ask the employees themselves what they thought.
He said: “I thought a crazy idea would be to ask employees if they wanted me in or out – I just wanted to know.”

He says that he is not fussed about the outcome and just wants to know what they think. He claims that since taking over the business 18 months ago employees have gone from short time working to full time with overtime and received a three percent pay rise earlier this year.

He adds: “I do not know what the unions want – they seem to want to run the company as it was before and I’m not going to let them. An unprofitable company will not exist for long. The only reason I can see why the unions are adopting their current stance is to gain more membership.”

Our sister publication Cranes & Access recently interviewed Filipov. You can read the full facts and much more in the next issue when it goes out later this month. In the meantime here is a copy of the letter.
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The letter to employees

In case you cannot read the original here is the English version:

To all Atlas-Employees!

Fil Filipov, sole shareholder of Atlas Maschinen GmbH, has parties interested in acquiring the business.

As everyone knows, the results of the turnaround are impressive, but he and his management style continue to be in direct opposition and confrontation with the works councils representing you.

Over and above the long strike a year ago, Filipov has taken some drastic actions which you may or may not like: no hiring, outsourcing of activities, reductions of indirect and office employees...

To help him decide, Mr. Filipov will ask for your individual opinion:

1. YES, I want him out!
2. NO, he is good for Atlas’s future.

For this you will receive a special voting ticket.
This vote will be voluntary, anonymous and personal – do not let others influence you.

Your opinion is important to him.
