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Rate cutting turns nasty

A mobile crane operator was stabbed to death on Saturday by a rival for cutting rental rates in Coimbatore, Southern India.

The stabbed man, owner operator, G Selvaraj, 32, was expanding his operations - in this city of two million, often referred to as the ‘Manchester of South India’ - as he won an increasing number of contracts.

His success apparently caused friction with some other crane operators, including M Venkatesan, 22, who operates a crane for Jayapal Brothers. An argument broke out between the two on Saturday night, with Venkatesan accusing Selvaraj of winning business by cutting rental rates below agreed levels.

The argument, which occurred in the area where a large number of cranes park up for the night in Ganapathy - an industrial area of the city - became physical and ended up with the stabbing, in spite of a group of around a dozen other crane operators trying to prevent it.

Selvaraj was taken to hospital, but was declared dead on arrival, Venkatesan was later arrested by the police.
