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Gerken and Teupen save the day

Earlier this week, the German area of Münsterland was badly hit with severe snow storms which took out the electricity supply for the town of Ochtrup.

The electrical utility company RWE called on local manufacturer Teupen for help to supply a lift that could reach damaged electricity pylons though deep slushy snow. Truck mounted 4x4 lifts had failed to cope with the poor ground.
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The 50m Teupen Leo 50 travels through the slush and mud with ease

The heights required were in excess of 40 metres. Teupen called on Dusseldorf based Gerken, which recently purchased a 50 metre track mounted Teupen Leo 50.
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The Teupen Leo had to work up to 45 to repair broken cables

The Leo 50 managed to cope easily with the snow conditions and was joined by a Leo 36T, the rescue has turned into a two week rental for Gerken.
