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Neff acquires in Bay Area

Neff Rentals has completed the acquisition of California based Lewis Rents, a single-location rental business headquartered in San Lorenzo, California.

The business was founded in the 1950’s to serve the greater Bay Area with tool and equipment rental, including aerial lifts. It has been at the same location and under the same ownership since 1966. A family business, it was certified as a Women Business Enterprise under the United States Small Business Administration's programme for women owned businesses. No details of the transaction have been released so far.

Neff chief executive Graham Hood said: “We have taken a positive step in expanding our presence in the Northern California-Bay Area market through the acquisition of Lewis Rents. They are a recognised rental industry operator with a long successful history of serving customers in the area and we are excited to have the experienced Lewis team join our company. We look forward to using Neff’s earthmoving focus and expertise to expand the product offering and grow the business from a solid foundation.”
