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Multi pallet platform

Spotted by a reader in San Jose, California, a man using the old fork lift and the pallet method of powered access, although this one involved multiple pallets.

The men were spotted working on the sign outside the Thien Thanh Vietnamese Supermarket in the town. They are using a slab forklift, designed for moving groceries inside the shop with a stack of eight pallets to reach the sign, which is also close to overhead power lines. They have a further seven pallets ready to reach higher points on the sign if and when needed.
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Five metres up and balancing on the front edge of a stack of pallets

As if all that is not bad enough the forklift is set up on a side slope and the man on top has nothing to stop him inadvertently stepping off the edge and falling around five metres or so the hard ground below. This in spite of being just one block away from a depot of American Scissor Lift!
Definitely one for our Death Wish series.
