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New 15m Versalift cutaway

Versalift has launched the 15.1 metre VDTL-150-F cutaway van mounted lift for inner city street lighting maintenance.

Mounted on a 3.5 tonne cutaway Renault Master van chassis, the new machine joins the VTL range launched in 2018. It features a three section telescopic boom topped by an articulating jib to offer 7.7 metres of outreach with a 120kg platform capacity. It also offers up to six metres outreach with the maximum platform capacity of 230kg.

The VDTL-150-F has an overall length of 5.9 metres and a stowed height of 3.3 metres, while the narrow stabiliser footprint falls within the overall width of the extended wing mirrors. It also offers 350kg of payload in addition to a driver, passenger and a full tank of fuel - enough to include a bespoke racking system as well as carry additional tools and spare parts.
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Versalift has launched its VDTL-150-F mounted on cutaway Renault Master chassis

The company said: “The proven cut away van has had great success in France, with interest in this new concept now beginning to grow across Europe. Its compact dimensions behind the rear axle, make it ideal for inner city streetlight maintenance, and many customers are beginning to appreciate the advantages.”
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The 15.1 metre VDTL-150-F is ideal for inner city street lighting maintenance
