C&A Rental Rates 2021
It is the time of year again when we ask rental companies in the UK and Ireland for their views on this year’s rental rates and fleet development, as well as their prognosis for 2021.
The survey not only checks out average rental rates and utilisation trends, but gauges optimism, pessimism and market expectations. It also offers the opportunity for anyone involved in the lifting rental industry to voice their thoughts on rental rate trends and developments. Remember, if you are not comfortable in providing rates, you are still able to answer the non-rate related questions.
We would very much appreciate your input and support in completing and returning them to us. The online forms can be accessed below.
All data supplied is - and will remain - completely anonymous.
Cranes Form
Access Form
Telehandlers Form
If you are interested in seeing last year's results, they can be viewed below: