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Goscor to distribute Terex RTs

Terex Cranes has appointed South African based sales and rental company Goscor Access Solutions as an official dealer for its Rough Terrain Cranes in Africa. The appointment was confirmed at Bauma in late October and is now active. This is the second crane account for Goscor, in July it was appointed as the Unic spider crane distributor for Southern Africa.

Goscor chief executive Wayne McCullagh said: “Terex is a market leader in the global Rough Terrain crane industry and partnering with such a quality brand and expert team will no doubt be of significant benefit to our business and our customers. I really believe in the excellence of the Terex Rough Terrain products and the team and service that backs this product. Breaking new ground in Africa with such a powerful brand only but elevates our positioning in the Access and Lifting solutions industry across Africa.”
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The contact signing - Giancarlo Montanari of Terex Cranes (L) with Wayne McCullagh of Goscor

Terex Rough Terrain crane sales manager, Guillaume Bertrand added: “We are very excited to embark on this new journey with Goscor Access Solutions which has established a very strong, trusted relationship with our sister company Genie, with whom they are a top performer. Goscor has very good knowledge of the lifting industry, a huge footprint in the countries they’re responsible for, and a strong focus on service, all key factors that will fast track them in becoming a key player in the industry. Last but not least, sales and marketing efforts have already been implemented to provide our customers the successful service we all want. Let’s expand into new terrains!”
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Guillaume Bertrand of Terex (L) with Wayne McCullagh of Goscor

Goscor is the long time Genie distributor in South Africa, and also handles Holland Lift, Palazzani, Unic and up until now ATN. Terex is the company’s first mobile crane line. Goscor Access has 16 locations in South Africa, three in Namibia and one in Ghana, and also covers Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana and Zambia, while the Goscor Group also has outlets or partnerships in Mauritius, Kenya, Nigeria, and Mozambique.
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