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Speedy launches mentoring scheme

UK rental company Speedy has launched a mentoring programme which pairs long serving experienced employees with apprentices, in order to pass industry knowledge to the next generation.

Lifting engineer Keith Pallett - who has been with Speedy for 32 years - has been paired with 19 year old Jessica Bloxam who is studying to become a lifting equipment technician. The two are currently working together at the Speedy depot in Leicester.
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Jess Bloxam with Keith Pallett at the Leicester depot

Bloxam said: “I am learning an incredible amount from Keith, he has so much experience that I want to tap into to support my practical learning and development as an apprentice lifting engineer.”

Pallett shares his knowledge through on site guidance in equipment maintenance, inspections, installation and safety. Whilst Bloxam has taught Pallett some IT skills.
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Operating a scissor lift

Pallett said: “Jess instinctively knows her way around computers and she’s very comfortable using different programmes or applications for reporting or data input.”

Employees are provided with mentor training and incentives tracked against their apprentices progress. Speedy says that this cross generation skills transfer is part of it’s commitment to being a ‘people first business’ and part of its ongoing business strategy.


I'm a little confused.. when i was an apprentice, that's what it was. We were put with an older experienced guy, our "Master", and we learned from him. In my case it rotated, I had a new master every 6 months, as we had several specialists in different product lines.
Is that not how apprenticeships work now ?

Feb 20, 2024

Fantastic idea

Feb 16, 2024