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A passage across India

Two adventurous ladies with ties to the UK access industry are planning to cycle almost 400km across the Rajasthan region of India in five days in aid of the Lighthouse club and the ‘Women for Women’ charity.

Vicki Caldwell, the mother of Russell Rowley of Russon Access, is a 65 year old with a desire to remove the old out of OAP while here cycling companion Nicola Edwards is 30 something with a desire to be thin again.
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(L-R) Vicki Caldwell and Nicola Edwards in training

The two decided to embark on a personal challenge of a lifetime with the aim of raising as much money as possible for the two charities, namely the Lighthouse Club which provides immediate support to the families of those who lose their life or are seriously injured as a result of their daily work in the construction industry.

The second charity, ‘Women for Women’ was formed by Professor Robert Winston, to raise money to train scientists and clinicians to work towards improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a range of devastating conditions which cause genetic diseases, miscarriage, infertility and cancer.

The two ladies are not experienced travellers or professional cyclists, and are therefore in training for the event which will occur in February 2008. In addition to handling the long cycle ride the two will taking a route through the jungle with its high temperatures and humidity, populated by tigers, spiders, scorpions and snakes. They will also need to find their way across a crocodile infested river, all good fun, but definitely a challenge.

Your sponsorship of this intrepid pair will be much appreciated.
Donations of pledges can be made through Russell:
Tel: +44 (0)7799 118462 or email: [email protected].
[[email to: [email protected]]] [email protected][[email]]

