
150 training Nifty videos

Niftylift has published its 150th operator training tutorial in English, German, and Dutch on its YouTube channel ‘NiftyPro’.

Nifty has categorised the videos into specific topics including, quick start guides, charging, recovery from base instructions, loading and lashing as well as familiarisation tutorials.

Managing director John Keely said: “As safety and efficiency become top priorities for the access platform sector, the growing NiftyPro library offers a user friendly training solution that promotes high machine uptime, enhances safety, and supports operator confidence. Reaching 150 uploads is an exciting milestone in our mission to make training more accessible and effective. And this is just the start of the NiftyPro journey – we are anticipating more high quality resources, easier access, and even greater operator confidence in the future.”

To view the training videos, click here
