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Cobblers to Paris

On the weekend of May 10th and 11th over 60 crane and access industry veterans made their way to Paris for the 25th anniversary of COBBLERS (Coles Old Boys, Been, Left & Early Retired Society). We thought you would like to see some of the photos of the event.

COBBLERS was founded 25 years ago, at Bauma 1983, when six ex- Coles cranes colleagues got together to eat, drink and reminisce about the good times enjoyed, while working at Coles. Since then the ‘COBBLERS fraternity’ has met on a regular basis at various venues and has grown to a membership of over 80 people.
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To celebrate this Anniversary the COBBLERS party headed for Paris. A large number of the British contingent, began the weekend at St.Pancras station and travelled together on Eurostar direct to the Gare du Nord in Paris.

The international group included members from the UK, France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Germany and Poland.
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Lyn Andrews, Trisha Pickup, Roy Wren and David Fenner

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Giles Marchard, Francoise Faes, Richard Halahan and André Faes

The main event began with a Saturday evening cocktail party, at the Holiday Inn, Porte de Clichy, where most were staying. A coach then transported everyone, through Paris, to the river Seine where the party boarded its own ‘Bateaux Mouche’ ‘Le Parisien’.
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Simon and Angela Pedrazzini, Wendy and Mike Lawman waiting to board the boat

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COBBLERS cruising the Seine on viewing deck

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Andrew Reid, John and Heide Massey, Lyn Andrews, Colin Wilson, 'George' Szcoulczewski and Marie Lopez.

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David Steel talks with Andrew Reid.

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Jeanine De Cock (Jappes), Norma Trickey and Trisha Pickup aboard the Bateau Mouche

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Angela and Simon Pedrazzini, John and Dorothy Atkinson, Peter and Annie Cooper, Liz and Gilles Marchand.

The following day the party moved to the north-west of Paris to the Chateau d’Auvers sur Oise which houses a museum dedicated to the ‘French Impressionist Period and its Artists’
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The group photo outside of the Chateau d’Auvers sur Oise

(A full list of attendees follows)
Next stop was the old Coles France facility at Cergy-Pontoise, now home to Grove and the Manitowoc crane group. A number of Coles yard cranes are still in use at the premises. From there the group was taken to the home of André Faes, ex Coles and Coles France director for a relaxing lunch and garden party.
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Roy Wren, John Massey, John Atkinson and Simon Pedrazzini with an Coles 5/7T yard crane

The event was ruled a huge success, with presentations and thanks to André Faes and Peter Allison the ex Coles export director who was the main organiser of the event and the COBBLERS secretary.
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Peter Allison presents André Faes with a golf club in thanks for his hospitality

Rather than try and caption the group photos, here is a full list of the attendees, you pick them out from the photograph, if you can.
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Group photo outside of the Faes House

Attendees a full list:-
Norma Trickey
Jeanine De Cock
Marie Helene Lopez
Mike Lawman
Wendy Lawman
Ken Sutton
Jean Sutton
David Fenner
Annabel Fenner
David Steel
Jane Steel
Michael Daynes
Lyn Daynes
Roy Wren
Trisha Pickup
Peter Cooper
Annie Cooper
Vesa Hiltunen
Marjaleena Hiltunen
Igor Selho
Kaarina Jalava
Lyn Andrews
Richard Gledhill
Pat Gledhill
Simon Pedrazzini
Angela Pedrazzini
Peter Alison
Sandy Glen
Steph Glen
Brian Bikerstaffe
Alisa Bosworth
John Atkinson
Dorothy Atkinson
Peter Steel
Barbara Steel
Robert Brouwer
Ingrid Hoffman
Iliya Kovacevic
Christine Kovacevic
Andrew Reid
Carol Reid
Richard Halahan
Flicky Halahan
Jerzy Szcoulczewski
Gerhard Hillebrand
Maya Hillebrand
Dick Philbrick
Kate Philbrick
Colin Wilson
Chris Buckman
Gewn Buckman
John Massey
Heide Massey
André Faes
Francoise Faes
Giles Marchand
Liza Marchand
Alain Clergot
Arlette Clergot
Pierre Jean Sennac
Jacki Sennac
Dick Lloyd
Audrey Lloyd

Vertikal Comment

It is quite exceptional to see a social association like this surviving and growing so strongly in our industry over such a long period.

It says a great deal about the atmosphere, ethos that must have existed when Coles was at its peak. While groups of employees at other crane or access companies might have a similar association we are hard pressed to name one. But would love to hear from any of you.
