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Dubai Death Wish

Today’s Death Wish comes from Dubai and is the subject of a safety alert issued by Buildsafe UAE.

A steel fixer wishing to move from one side of a large site to another persuaded a tower crane operator to give him a ride….on the hook – and he didn’t just move him along at a low level… but took him to a considerable height.Fortunately no one was injured but the crazy stunt was spotted and an investigation ensued.
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The man takes a high ride via hook

It turned out that the crane operator was fully trained and experienced and was perfectly aware of how dangerous it is to lift a man on the hook and that it was prohibited.

As a result the operator was formally disciplined and all crane operators reminded of their responsibilities.
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A closer look reveals the man hanging on tightly

In this case it seems that in spite of all the training and supposedly strict rules people will still do stupid things.
