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Valla to sue JMG and Manzini

Italian based pick and carry crane manufacturer Valla cranes, has issued a statement saying that it has taken legal action against JMG Cranes and its founder Maurizio Manzini and Emilio Berti - whoa re both ex employees.

The company says that it is seeking to protect its business and goodwill in respect of unfair competition.

Manzini was general manager and managing director of Valla cranes for 12 years, while Berti was in charge of engineering at the company for 11 years. The two teamed up w JMG cranes in early 2008 to produce and market their own range of compact pick & carry cranes.
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JMG Cranes

Valla has not said what the reasons are behind this action, although one assumes it is associated with propriety infomation and designs?

The company and individuals named in the statement say that they are unaware of any such action and of any reasons for them.
