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Genie gibt Sicherheitshinweis für Z-135/70 aus

Genie ruft seine Z-135/70 zurück: Nach dem tödlichen Unfall im Anfang Juni in London hat der Hersteller nach interner Prüfung der Maschine und all ihrer primären und sekundären (redundant ausgelegten) Steuerungssysteme einen entsprechenden Sicherheitshinweis ausgegeben. Bei dem Unfall war ein Mensch ums Leben gekommen.

Dem Unternehmen zufolge waren einige Maschinen unterwegs, die nicht korrekt kalibriert waren, wie es das Handbuch vorschreibt. Daher empfiehlt der Hersteller, als Vorsichtsmaßnahme den Sekundärausleger-Winkelsensor an allen Z-135/70 zu überprüfen. Zugleich betont das Unternehmen, dass dies in keiner Weise nahelege, dass dies die Ursache für den Unfall bei Kimberly Access gewesen sei.
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Der Unfallort Anfang Juni

Hier das Statement von Terex AWP im Original:

„Terex Aerial Work Platforms (AWP) continues to investigate the June 5, 2013 accident that occurred at the Kimberly Access site in London. As our thorough investigation has progressed, the integrity of the Genie Z-135/70 machines in the field continues to be confirmed. Genie Z-135/70 machines are safe to use as intended provided the machine is in proper working order, the operators are properly trained, and the owners/operators follow the warnings and instructions provided by Terex AWP, which are located on the machine.

Terex AWP conducted an extensive review of the Genie Z-135/70 machines and has verified the Genie Z-135/70 production testing and audit procedures. Terex AWP also conducted an extensive review of all primary and secondary (redundant) control systems. These reviews have confirmed the effectiveness of the design and integrity of the Genie Z-135/70 machines. We continue to pursue information specific to the Kimberly Access incident and are fully cooperating with the HSE investigation.

As part of Terex AWP’s review of the Genie Z-135/70, it has been made aware that in some instances, machines that were calibrated in the field were not calibrated in accordance with the machine’s service manual.

Accordingly, we issued a Safety Notice affecting all Genie Z-135/70 machines. This safety notice is being issued to ensure that machines that were calibrated after leaving Terex AWP’s factory were calibrated in accordance with the procedures in the Genie Z-135/70 service manual.
This Safety Notice requires a simple inspection of the secondary boom angle. Completing this inspection procedure will confirm whether the secondary boom angle sensor is properly calibrated and the machine is safe to use. To date, Terex AWP has not made any determination that the cause of the accident at Kimberly Access was due to improper calibration as described in the Safety Notice.“

Kimberly Access wollte diesen Sicherheitshinweis seitens Genie nicht kommentieren und lässt seine entsprechenden Maschinen unseren Informationen zufolge weiter ruhen.
