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Srini Kadaba moves on

Srini Kadaba, divisional manager of Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Machinery in Saudi Arabia is leaving the company after 30 years.

The move is partly due to a need to return to his native Mumbai, in India, but he has fronted the crane and access division of the company which distributes Grove cranes, Ausa /Bobcat telehandlers and Snorkel aerial lifts and has a relationship with IPS in the UK for as long as most can recall. At one time Kanoo was the largest Grove dealer in the world.
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Srini Kadaba

Speaking of his departure he said: “After working for 30 long years in such a glorious company, relocating even back ‘home’ is heart wrenching. The friendship and interactions within my work as well as socially has given me enormous joy and satisfaction. I will certainly miss it.”

Vertikal Comment

Srini Kadaba’s smiling face and magnificent attitude will be missed without question, he has a been a significant part of this major crane and access distributorship for a lifetime. An avid and enthusiastic reader of Cranes & Access magazine his visits to our stand at major trade shows were always a great pleasure. We wish him well in his relocation.


You will be missed here in the Middle East Srini, a true gentleman and a legend throughout the industry. Our loss though will be Mumbai's gain as I'm sure you will continue working within this sector for years to come. It has been a pleasure working with you over the years and I look forward to meeting again in your "backyard" soon. All the very best.......

Dec 6, 2016

A very fine person. Wish him all the best and some good time back home. It has been a great pleasure for me doing business with him.
Good luck Srini !
Wim Jansink. retired

Dec 1, 2016