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Strange Vertikal emails

We have received a number of emails that appear to have come from, with the heading: ‘Vertikal shared some Publications & files with you’, with a PDF attachment.
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The fake email

They did not come from us or our servers and are nothing at all to do with Vertikal or Most of them seem to have been sent to our own staff, while we have seen a couple of bounced emails that were sent to non-existent email addresses. Our web master and hosting company have checked our servers and systems as a precaution, and they are all clear and well protected.

While on the subject we did invest in some enhancements and upgrades to our security systems a few months ago just to make sure that we keep well ahead of the trolls and hackers while helping eliminate benign bots etc... and will continue to do so.

That’s it so have an excellent Easter Weekend - normal service will resume on Tuesday April 19th.


vertikal editor
Good question - quite simply the info@vertikal address was input as the send and return address, even though they were absolutely not sent out from vertikal email or web servers. Apparently is it not uncommon for this to happen these days - sadly.
The people sending this type of email are not looking to get email responses whatever they are trying to do involves whatever is in the attachment.

Apr 14, 2022

.....if they didn't come from your server, how did a couple of bounced emails that were sent to non-existent email addresses?

Apr 14, 2022