
Nifty harness attachment sensor

Niftylift has started trials of a new harness attachment sensor for its boom lifts which it expects to launch later this spring.

The device - to be known as the ‘ClipOn’ - will initially be trialled by UK rental company Speedy.
The harness attachment point

It responds to a demand from some major UK contractors for such a device to be fitted to boom lifts working on their sites, and follows Nationwide Platform’s ‘Harness On’ and Haulotte’s ‘Fastn’ devices, which were introduced last year.

As we understand it, the device does not interfere with the machine’s design and is relatively easy to fit. If anyone attempts to operate the machine without a harness attached, the device will emit a continuous alarm, not dissimilar to a car’s seat belt warning.

Once the D-Ring of a harness lanyard is clipped on to the circular anchor point, the alarm will stop and a green light is illuminated both at the anchor and on the underside of the platform, where it is visible to those working below.
Green light under the platform


Glatisant Pellynore
Firstly, this device provides a good reminder should an operator who usually clips on, forgets to. I'm sure even the most experienced operators have forgotten now and again, and only noticed when they didn't feel any pull from the lanyard when working or felt it dangling. Think of it more in the same category as the descent stop on scissors, a reminder for your four corner check. It would be easy to fit and would only need power and spliced in parallel to the dead man pedal wiring, no need for CANBUS etc.

Secondly, see the recent HSE prosecution for not having adequate "supervision" in the form of CCTV after the tragic scissor crush death. The below comments are all correct, this type of device could well become standard requirement on CDM sites, if not something insurance companies require or advise is fitted. See - green seatbelt lights on excavators.

It is not a replacement for training and supervision. Only educating operators about fatalities and serious injuries (which were preventable for want of a lanyard) can embed the right behaviour. 'I understand why I am doing this as I don't want x to happen to me' is the goal over 'I have to do this or I will be thrown off site but I don't think it's worthwhile'.

Mar 18, 2024

And if some contractors start insisting this device, with its nice green lights, be on all machines on their sites, but if it can't be retrofit on older machines, or even other brands, what happens then?

Mar 17, 2024

They abound
Benji, nice long ramble about nothing, but attracted some nice green thumbs. Chief, you summed it up. This is where we are heading.

Mar 16, 2024

This device is a useful additional safety feature but unfortunately like most others can be circumvented by operators who just don't like being told what to do even if it's for their own good.
Employers are required by law to take all reasonable steps to provide a safe working environment for their employees.
Fitting this device may help their defence in the event of an operator falling from a platform. Although this is not morally the best reason it is probably the main reason for employers to fit safety devices.

Mar 16, 2024

In response to the last 2 messages, like with seatbelts, it’s clear that in most use cases having a harness is the safest option. It is advisable to wear one (except in those circumstances where risk assessment says not to)

This product and HarnessOn and the Haulotte anchorage are there to help encourage (or in some force) the use of a harness if that is what a site/company has mandated.

In the case of the Niftylift solution, it is there as a reminder and encouragement for the operator. Some people might simply forget to clip in and this solution helps remind them without forcing them. Whether that goes far enough is down to site specific decision making.

In response to ‘They Abound’ I’d argue that this solution isn’t nonsense. Some people aren’t going to change behaviours, you’re right. But is it wrong to remind people of the safest option for them? This solution allows the operator to make that decision for themselves. It doesn’t stop anything. Just like a car might beep at you but it doesn’t stop operation (or at least mine doesnt)

In response to ‘…….’ nothing stops them from doing that. It’s not designed to. In fact they don’t even need to do that, they can operate with a beep and a red light. If they want to shut that off at their own choice with a D-ring they can. Just like you can plug your seatbelt in without actually wearing it. It’s entirely the operators decision to ignore the need for a harness if they want to. What happens as a consequence is down to them.

Mar 16, 2024

They abound
This nonsense has got to end somewhere! A bent bit of rebar sorts out the silly bits, and the driver hooks on if he thinks he needs to, or if he's being watched. You're never really going to change that, however much you get other people to spend on these ideas.

Mar 15, 2024

And what is to stop someone just permanently fitting a D-Ring on the device?

Mar 15, 2024

Really good idea and a simple, uncomplicated solution

Mar 15, 2024