
Harness Off

Spotted on a job site in the UK, no idea where, a boom lift equipped with a Harness On device to help remind /ensure that boom lift operators clip on their lanyard before operating a boom lift.

However, in this case, as was always a risk, the operator has used a large wrench with podger end to fool the system and avoid clipping on. One assumes they may not have had a harness or lanyard or are just stupid. The odd thing here is that it looks as though a lanyard has been attached to the anchor point, maybe the dive was not picking up the Lanyard carabiner? In which case understandable reaction.

When using a boom lift like this without a harness and short lanyard, there is always a risk of being bounced out of the cage, particularly if the work involves driving at height, operation in the vicinity of passing traffic, or working anywhere near any other operations such steel erection, cranes and tree pruning/felling, or any work that may result in something falling on the boom.

While this gamble has low odds it is somewhat senseless. Sadly it still happens all too often.

It creeps into our Death Wish Series.

Have a safe weekend.


Master of nothing
Deliberately defeating a safety device, is it ignorance, dirty protest, hasn't got a tool belt to put the podger in, stupidity or just a death wish

Mar 14, 2025