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Truck mounted scaffold

Spotted in Piacenza, Italy a man cleaning a statue from a scaffold erected on the back of a truck.

The story is best told in the words of our reader: “ I couldn't stop myself to take a picture of this man for the series "Death Wish" even if the height he is working from is not so great to cause a death. The man is washing a statue next to a church from a scaffold, placed on a truck... The funny thing is that he also has got a cigarette in his mouth imagine which hand he can use to take it out!”

The statue is Pope Pius IX in case anyone is interested in art...
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A man working from a very dodgy scaffold on the back of a truck

This definitely qualifies as for our Death Wish series, the scaffold guardrail is so low as to be a greater hazard than none at all. Our man is over three metres up and is having to lean out to reach the work, he is likely to be distracted by his cigarette. The platform does not run the full width of the tower and finally it does not look to be firmly secured to the truck. A fall could easily be fatal, or result in permanent disability.

It is actually considerably more risky than many other examples in the series.


Nothing to heavy

Jul 12, 2013