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Dock crane drops boom

The boom of a dockside crane in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK crashed to the ground earlier today, following a mechanical failure.

Thankfully no was injured in the incident but the boom did come down onto a large number of Acetylene gas cylinders. The whole area was evacuated as a precaution. Crane operator Derek Allen apparently managed to slew the crane away from the ship as soon as he realised that something had malfunctioned. This allowed him to start lowering the boom onto the quayside before it dropped avoiding further damage or injuries.
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The crane dropped its boom

A statement released by A&P, which owns the docks said: "This morning there was an incident at A&P Falmouth involving one of the facility cranes. No-one was injured in the incident, however all personnel have been temporarily evacuated from the docks whilst an assessment of the area is made. Personnel will return to work as soon as possible."

An investigation and recovery work are underway.
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A closer look

See: Fatal accident costs £106,000


Mr David McGinley, Managing Director
A and P Group Ltd
Falmouth Docks
Cornwall TR11 4NR

Good Morning Mr McGinley,

Thank you for your Press Release explaining that a Mechanical Failure caused this Falmouth Quayside Crane to Drop its Boom on 10th May 2017.

As this Incident had the potential to Kill Five (5) or more Men on the ground, as it did in a Sth Korea Shipyard on 1st May 2017. Would you kindly advise........

1. Please advise precisely which Crane Mechanical Component Failed ?
2. Please advise when that particular Component last had a Thorough Examination, in line with Regulation 9 of The LOLER Regulations 1998 ?
3. Please advise what additional Control Measures have now been taken to ensure No Repeat of this Potentially Fatal Incident ?

The reason I ask is because this excellent Vertikal website has now reported Three Major Crane Incidents in the past 7 days, leading to one Fatality.

Moreover having now researched and recorded 425 Crane and/or Lifting Ops Fatalities since 010907. It is my submission that it is Morally Indefensible, Morally Indefensible to expose Men and Women to the Risk of being Killed at Work.

Why, because Worker Safety is very important.

Kind Regards
Mike Ponsonby

May 15, 2017