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More from Death Wish path

We have received more photos from the precarious path being built around Shifou Mountain in the Hunan Province of China. The sightseeing footpath hugs the mountain for three kilometres – almost two miles and is said to be China’s longest.

The job which we covered briefly earlier in the year involves scaffolders building a very basic open plank path for the concrete workers to operate from. They then fit the formwork and cast the beams and path – how they get the concrete to the job we do not know.

Safety measures are almost non-existent and yet we understand that while it is a clear one for our Death Wish series, there have so far been no falls. Perhaps it is so precarious that everyone is ultra careful?? The method would certainly not ‘pass muster’ in the west.
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The scaffolders possibly have the toughest job

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Tube and clamp scaffold does the job

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The 'scaffold platform' from which the work crew work from

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A formwork man blances on the precarious scaffold platform

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Creating the formwork for the path support beams

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Shuttering for the platform

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Formwork almost complete

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Getting ready for the pour - no guardrails of course!

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Time to remove the scaffolding - look at the man below deck

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The finished job

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