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Caribbean Death Wish

Spotted by a reader in the Caribbean island of St Vincent - back in March, some precarious scaffolding on a building for the government of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
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The new Customs and Excise building is on a main road junction

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The site a little closer in

The scaffold, erected around the new building going up for the country's Customs & Excise department, is made up of regular tube and couplers, however the platforms are a very mixed bag, with many of them looking precarious at best. Some men are working from a beam, while others stand on the horizontal tubes. No guardrails are provided at all and forget any thoughts of toeboards.
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No guardrails, no toeboards, but plenty of wires

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Hangin out on a wooden beam

The site is located on a busy road with a total disregard for any fall protection. On top of this it appears to be interlaced with a spiders web of overhead power lines.

While the risks are clearly higher than the average found in Europe, the lack of any safety measures may well help keep those working there ‘on their toes and thus from falling??
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Not enough platform boards to go around

No matter how you look at it … a Death Wish
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Even the main floors have no edge protection
