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Safety in paradise

Spotted a month or two ago by a reader in Mexico, we though this one was appropriate for what in the UK is a four day weekend.
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Nice equipment - but its how you use it that matters

It was taken in the resort of Las Brisas in Acapulco two men are working on the roof of a swimming pool bar. They probably have the most suitable equipment for the job in what looks like a decent ladder of about the right length, however there is only one ladder and two men so one is perched on the roof, and the other – rather than stay on his ladder is half on half off, if he slips he might have a soft landing in the pool, but from the picture he might do himself a nasty ‘mischief’ on the way down?
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If the ladder man falls that ladder looks nasty

It is certainly not one of our worst Death Wish entries, but…it certainly qualifies, although few home owners have not done something similar – yes these are not homeowners so it is different… and certainly any fall no matter how lucky the two were, would most likely spoil the vacation of any bystanders.

If nothing else this will hopefully put anyone who is heading of on a vacation this weekend in the right frame of mind.

With the long weekend in the UK to celebrate the Queens 60th Jubilee our English language news service will be affected so please bear with us.
