Working in the street
Spotted in the UK two men working on a façade with two totally different forms of access, neither of them fully safe.
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Two entirely different forms of access on the same job
The first is using a scaffold tower, which looks to be set up OK in terms of bracing and platforms etc, and the fact that it has no toe boards is a minor issue, given that it has no guardrails and four spigots that could easily impale a man who tripped.
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Trip or step backwards and this man is either impaled or falls or both
He is also taking up a good slice of the pavement/sidewalk for all those coming from the main street to the church, as apparently this was on a Sunday, at least the traffic would have been quieter which would benefit our other man who compared to the first is infinitely safer. Although we cannot tell if he is wearing a harness – lets assume he is.
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At least this was done on a quiet Sunday morning
Even he though is obliging pedestrians to walk under the boom of his lift and his looks to be quite close to those overhead cables, which are most likely telephone cables and not power lines.
The man on the tower is a definite Death Wish, the man in the platform – well it might not be totally perfect, but the machine looks well maintained, it looks well suited to the job and he does have some cones out - certainly not a Death Wish.
Big Vern
And I suspect the tower is not built to manufacturers guidelines as there are no stabilisers fitted at all, they are also working on a blind corner and I suspect no warning signs placed for motorists.