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Death Wish smoke

Spotted by a reader in Tallinn, Estonia, two men in a platform taking a smoke break in a less than safe manner.
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Two men working from a trailer lift in the street

The two are using an articulated trailer lift to work on a house and do not appear to have any safety gear, the most important of which would be a harness and short lanyard. As if that is not bad enough as they take a smoke break one man risks more than the potentially harmful effects of smoking. In the words of our correspondent:
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The platform could shift, or the smoker could slip, either way the fall could easily be fatal

“Here is a sample for your Death Wish listing. This time this is a wooden house conservation jobsite in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Smoking can kill and so can wrong use of a cherry picker.”

Several things could cause the platform to move or the man sitting on the rails could slip himself - a definite Death Wish.
