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Bucket and ladder

A photo taken somewhere in the USA over the past few days shows a double Death wish.

Three men needing to reach a high outside lamp have used a front end loader, in conjunction with a ladder. Working from the bucket would have been bad enough, but to then use what looks like a five or six metre ladder resting against the slim pole, while a man in the bucket attempts to stop the ladder twisting and falling.
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Doubling up the risks - with bucket and ladder

One assumes – hopes that the two got down safely, it could so easily have been different if the ladder had slipped it is likely that both would have fallen and both could easily have lost their lives – all for the sake of renting in a platform.

The problem is that IF all goes OK it seems like a great saving – no rental charge, no waiting or hassling to organise – just up down and done. However if it had gone wrong the cost and time saving would look exceptionally minor against the loss of two lives and the disruption to the lives of so many others.
