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Three years and still alone

Swiss rental company Camillo Vismara of Lugano, has been recertified to the IPAF Rental Plus standards for the third year in a row, and yet claims that it is still the only company outside of the UK to have achieved the Federation’s rental quality certification.
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The Camillo Vismara team with its third IPAF Rental + certification

Paolo Vismara who, manages the company - founded by his father Camillo in 1959 - with his brothers Mauro and Roberto said: “It is the end point of a rigorous process of organising and implementing our elevating work platform rental service, which has involved every aspect of our operation.”

“The IPAF Rental+ auditors examined the procedures and checklists we have put in place, going over them with a fine-tooth comb. The checklists are designed to maintain a focus on quality in the various phases involved in delivering this service. You see, these days, an elevating work platform can be hired from a cleaning or a gardening company, or from an electrician, who offers the service from time to time and at a reasonable price. But I ask myself, ‘is this sort of competition to the benefit of the client? Is one supplier just as good as another? At the end of the day, does saving on the actual rental price mean you pay less in the long run?’ ”

Accidents happen,” added rental manager Thomas Jud, “and they often happen when you go for the lowest price which is usually offered by a company that isn't really up to the job. I've seen clients come back to us who tried to save fifty francs only to suffer the consequences, in financial and human terms, of not putting themselves in the hands of professionals.”

“Hiring out quality equipment is this company's main focus, not a side-line that we offer when the platforms are sitting doing nothing,” said Loredana Cassani, head of administration. “We have chosen to become a member of the Swiss association of platform rental companies, to adopt nation-wide standards and obtain ISO 9001:2000 certification. IPAF Rental+ takes us to the next level, in terms of quality.”

Vertikal Comment

It is good to see this worthy certification expand outside of the UK, but a shame that take up is not more rapid.
