Vertikal Days opens today
The main build up day at Vertikal Days was frenetic yesterday, with strong winds arriving as forecast and putting extra pressure on the smooth build up.
The show is almost ready now for opening at 10:00 with the largest display of cranes and different crane manufacturers anywhere in the world this year. It is also one of the largest access displays of the year.
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This year's show is by far the biggest ever with everything for those interested in crane sand aerial work platforms
The event includes several global new product launches, including the 250 tonne Grove GMK5250L and Palfinger Platform’s new P130A 13 metre platform mounted on a Ford Ranger chassis.
Liebherr, Terex, Tadano, Spierings, Kobelco, AG/Sennebogen are also out in force as are most spider lift manufacturers and several tower crane suppliers. We hope to bring you more news and photos during the week, both on the web and the twitter feed.
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A view of the site this evening
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A Teupen Leo 18GT is sold to AFI specialist division Wilson Access
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A 90 metre Bronto Skylift
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Palfinger platforms Italia will launch its new 13 metre 'low level' pick up mounted lift at Veritikal Days
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Red sky at night from the Vertikal Days site at Haydock Park