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IPAF north east meeting

IPAF is holding its North East regional meeting at the Newcastle Marriot Metro Centre in Gateshead, UK, on Tuesday 23rd June at 18.30.

The meeting will be hosted by Trainrite managing director John Caffrey and will cover cover the subject of eLearning and design standards as well as provide an update from the UKCG. Speakers include Bolt Learning's commercial director John Fecci, JLG's product manager Ron Jackson and Clugston's health & safety manager Mark Atkinson. IPAF’s director of operations Giles Councell will also give an overview of IPAF, its activities and how members can get involved in the work of IPAF.

Open to both members and non-members, IPAF’s regional meetings serve as an informal opportunity to meet other members and to discuss the latest developments within the industry. It will also include a light buffet dinner for which there will be a nominal. For more details, or to register for the meeting,
