Insulated Bluelift for German underground
Cologne transportation company
Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe has taken delivery of the first two fully insulated Bluelift SA22 spider lifts, from local distributor Rothlehner.
Unveiled earlier this month (see:
Insulated Bluelift), the two lifts will be used to carry out cleaning and maintenance work on a new U-Bahn station in the city of Cologne. Located 27 metres below ground-level, both units were transported into the station on the North-South station on the back of a train carriage, one of the units was then dissembled and lifted up a level to the East-West station by a spider crane, before being reassembled.
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The new lifts will be used to carry out cleaning and maintenance work on the new U-Bahn station in Cologne
The two SA22 are powered by Lithium-ion batteries and offer a working height of 22 metres, an outreach of 10.5 metres and an up and over height of 8.5 metres. Fitted with a fully certified insulated 1,000 volt basket/bucket, it has a maximum platform capacity of 230kg. The units also feature the company’s asymmetric stability system, which automatically calculates the outrigger set-up to determine the working diagram.
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'Please stand back from the platform edge' - the two spiderlifts arrived on the carriage of a train
The company said: “The Bluelift spider was chosen due to its high working height, long outreach and low ground pressure as well as for its compact design. In addition it has to perform work over complex internal obstructions such as stairways, columns and the central shopping centre.”
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Half dissembled and lifted up a level onto the East-West station