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Canadian draft standards

CSA has published drafts of its new standards for aerial work platforms - B354.7, B354.8, and B354.9 – which are now available for public comment.

B354.8 is a new standard covering ‘Safety principals, inspection, maintenance and operations’ and will be open for comment until October 5th.
B354.9 is another new standard covering ‘Operator training’ which also closes for comment on October 5th.

B354.7 is a new standard covering the ‘Design, calculations, safety requirements and test methods for aerial work platforms. It is also open for comment until October 5th.

To see all three standards Simply click here and then register, after which you can comment on all of the standards currently up for review.

The organisation has also posted a new edition of its S269.2 – ‘Access Scaffolding for Construction Purposes’ standard. click here -
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