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Big B Crane takes First Terex HC 285

Big B Crane & Rigging of Burleson, Texas has added a new 285 ton/260 tonne Terex HC 285 crawler crane, the largest in its fleet and the first of its type in the USA.

With its primary market area inf Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana, Big B ordered the HC 285 crane with the maximum 91.4 metre main boom and standard 23.1 metre jib, offering a maximum tip height of 114.6 metres. It can lift its maximum capacity at a 4.9 metre or 16ft radius.
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Big B Crane & Rigging of Burleson, Texas has added a new 285 ton (260 tonne) Terex HC 285 crawler crane, the largest in its fleet and the first of its type in the USA.

Big B’s senior product manager Jim Strobush said: “The need for cranes in the construction and other markets throughout the US is expanding beyond the 250 ton class, but the jump to a 300 ton crane represents significant additional capital investment. The new HC 285 is a good in-between crane that gives customers almost the capacity of a 300 ton crane but at a price closer to a smaller crawler crane, so a company can receive a high return on investment.”

“The HC 285 has a phenomenal lift chart that is more comparable to 300 ton cranes,” said Big B crane president Daniel Basden. “However, its carrier can be transported in one piece, whereas many 300 tonners ship in two pieces which adds one more load, another driver and additional set-up time.”

“Our bread-and-butter market for this size of crane is construction. Concrete pre-cast panels are getting bigger and heavier and steel is getting longer, so we needed a higher capacity crawler crane than the two 250 ton models in our fleet. The crane rental market is saturated with smaller 110 ton models, but once you get north of 250 tons, there is not a lot available.”

Big B put the new crane straight to work shipping it directly to a site less than 10 miles from the Terex facility in Oklahoma City, where it is being used to place steel, concrete panels, joists, decking and staircases in a building expansion project for a leading global aerospace company.
