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Home made connection

A reader has sent us a few photos of work on a façade scaffold that under the heading “seeing is believing”

According to our correspondent two tube and coupler scaffolds have been by two different companies on the high street of Langely, near London’s Heathrow airport in the UK . Someone has decided that it would be a good idea to join the two up using the edge of the building and wood plank guardrailsnailed together but not secured at each end.
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The scaffolds in Langley

In his words: “ You would have thought this was taken in another country. Alas No its in Langley near Slough! Still there now, Willow Parade, where you posted the report a fair while ago. Two different scaffold firms were on the job and obviously the building contractors Mario, along with White Haus have joined the two scaffolds up so to speak!”
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The questionable connection

They have used the soffit of the building as the deck, the black edge being the fascia board, the gent is standing on the felt roof. The handrails are 4x2s nailed together and not fixed at each end! right on the roofs edge with no kick boards!"

It certainly looks a little on the rough or crude side in the days of system scaffold, and purpose built components etc.. and if a third party has truly modified the scaffolds – and anything happened the consequences would be very serious. But not the very worst example we have seen, by any stretch. So not quite sure that it qualifies as a Death Wish.
