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MTS takes UK’s first new Bobcat

The first Bobcat T35130S 13 metre/3.5 tonne telehandler to arrive in the UK has been delivered to the Cumbernauld, Scotland, depot of rental company MTS Group.
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The first Bobcat T3510S to arrive in the UK

The new machine went straight to work for Fraser Joinery & Builders on a hillside residential development close to Edinburgh. Launched at Intermat earlier this year, the T135130S has a maximum lift height of 12.5 metres and a maximum forward reach of 8.6 metres.

Features include a new panoramic cab with parabolic windscreen, a new dashboard with digital display and intuitive controls including a joystick with integrated forward/reverse controls for improved productivity.
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The new telehandler has to carry material up a narrow track to the building site

Fraser Yule, managing director of Fraser Joinery & Builders, said: “We are delighted with the performance of the new telehandler. We have been using it to carry pallets and materials from the bottom of the steep hill up to the construction site where the new build is taking place, which would have been a much more difficult task using a smaller machine. Later in the project, we will utilise it to help install some of the larger joists and supporting beams for the roof of the house.”
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The new machine has proven ideal on the challenging site and will stay until the roof is on the structure is complete
