Kran & Bühne Digital
The latest digital version of Kran & Bühne magazine is now online and available to read or download, it can also be found in the Magzter news stand app.
This is a record issue and includes our main preview of Bauma, including an exclusive unveiling of a new 150 tonne, five axle All Terrain crane from Grove, along with features on tower cranes, van and truck mounted lifts, and the annual crane and access dealer guide to Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
So if you read German or are interested in the German speaking markets for cranes, access equipment and telehandlers
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The next issue of the magazine due in early May, includes articles on Telehandlers, a review of Bauma, the latest trends in personnel/AWP lifts, a look at safety in our industry, and a preview to Platformers World. If have any thoughts, ideas or contributions, please do contact our Freiburg based editorial team. And don't forget that this is an ideal issue in which to promote your products to the wider world.