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Ladder Vs scissor lift

Spotted this morning at the IKEA store in Glasgow, one men on a slab electric or is it two? And another working half on half on a step ladder and the toe board of the scissor lift.
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Glasgow IKEA August 3rd 2016 a step ladder and a scissor lift

The photos are not really good enough for us to tell exactly what is going on, but it looks as though they are hanging a sign or a banner, whatever it is it does not look like good working practice.
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What are they up to?

At best this looks like a job not well planned. Is the man on the ladder a second class employee trying to ‘board’ the platform? Who knows, it looks like Ikea contractors might need some IPAF training. We will certainly pop it in to the Death Wish series.
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A closer look

The scissor lift is clearly owned by AFI, which on learning of the incident immediately contacted its customer, which in turn spoke with the sub-contractor carrying out work and has launched an investigation in to what went wrong. AFI has offered to provide the company with all necessary health and safety advice and support to help prevent this sort of unsafe practice going forward.
