Ramirent streamlines management team
Ramirent is simplifying its senior management team limiting it to executive vice presidents – previously senior vice presidents were also part of the group management team.
The new group executive management team now includes:
Chief executive Tapio Kolunsarka, chief financial officer Pierre Brorsson, Øyvind Emblem for Norway, Mikael Kämpe for Finland, Dino Leistenschneider - Fleet and Sourcing, Heiki Onton for the Baltics and Europe Central, Jonas Söderkvist - Sweden and Denmark and an executive vice president of Human Resources who has yet to be appointed.
Kolunsarka said: “With this single management team –concept and HR being part of the executive management team, we can increase the effectiveness of our leadership and further raise the role of Human Resources in Ramirent. The search for an Executive Vice President of HR has started.”