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Strong turnout for IPAF South West

IPAF held its UK South West regional meeting last night in Bristol, with almost 70 delegates attending.

Hosted by Andy Pearson, managing director of Prolift Access, presentations covered a range of subjects and speakers, including Sam Evans, business liaison officer of the Hinkley Supply Chain - on the supplier registration process, along with details on procurement and local sourcing plans for the new Hinkley Point nuclear power plant. Chris Wraith of IPAF discussed the benefits of IPAF Rental+ accreditation, while Leigh Sparrow of Vertikal spoke on life and strategies after Brexit for access rental companies and Dave Roddy talked about his new role as IPAF UK market manager, and how he is tasked with improving and adding services for UK members.
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Chris Wraith highlights the benefits of IPAF Rental +

The formal part of the meeting was followed by a buffet dinner and then some prolonged discussions at the hotel bar.
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The meeting was very well attended
