First Potain MRH 175 installed
MR Concrete has taken delivery of the very first Potain MRH 175 hydraulic luffing jib tower crane.
The company ordered the crane from local distributor Irlequip last year at its launch during Bauma. Upon delivery, Irlequip installed the 10 tonne capacity crane on an 18 storey apartment construction site where it is lifting the concrete frame, cores, floors, columns and stairs for the 324 apartment block at Buchanan Wharf in Glasgow, Scotland.
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The world’s first Potain MRH 175 goes to work
With space limited on the site, the crane's 10 metres out of service radius and ease of erection makes it ideal. It will reach a final under hook height of 72.9 metres using only one reinforced mast tie. The 35 metre jib can be luff from horizontal to vertical in less than two minutes, while maximum line speed is 215 metres a minute with the 75HPL25 hoist installed. In addition, the MRH 175 requires just four standard containers for shipping, while all components weigh no more than 7.7 tonnes.
Matthew Rodden, managing director of MR Concrete, said: “We were very impressed with the erection and the speed of the crane in service – it’s quick and efficient, performs well and does everything we want it to do, operating much quicker than some other luffers.”
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MR Concrete is based in Buncranna, County Donegal, Ireland, but operates throughout the UK and Ireland.