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Hewden goes greener

Leading rental provider Hewden now has 44 of its sites certified to ISO 14001 - the International Environmental Management System Standard - following a further 16 achieving the accreditation.

To gain this internationally recognised standard, Hewden was required to define its environmental policy and meet a range of environmental objectives. These included continual improvement and prevention of pollution; compliance with applicable legal requirements; establishment of a clear set of environmental objectives and continuous communication of these policies to anyone working for or on behalf of the organisation.

“The latest certifications are great news for our business, as they demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the environment," says Mark Moody Quality Manager at Hewden. "Many of these locations offer all types of equipment such as plant, access, tools, cranes and accommodation, which made it even more challenging to achieve a common accreditation throughout any one site.”

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The oil spill control kit

The company is planning to get another 16 Hewden locations certified under this environmental standard during 2007.
