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City of Cranes’ Celebrates the Lives of Crane Drivers

Channel 4 in the UK will air four short documentaries starting at 19:55 on March 19th and followed at the same time on March 20th, 21st and 22nd. The short films are part of the 3-Minute Wonders strand, which airs after the Channel 4 News.

The films are directed by Eva Weber and produced by Samantha Zarzosa, who claims that “‘City of Cranes’ offers a fascinating and mesmerising insight into the work of crane drivers and their contribution to the changing London skyline”

They will naturally concentrate on tower cranes, Cranes&Access editor Mark Darwin has assisted with the programmes research although we have no idea how that information has been used or incorporated.

“Without cranes our modern cities would be hard to imagine. Yet, most of us never notice cranes or their drivers. My aim was to give people a better understanding of what it takes to be a crane driver and to see London through their eyes,” said the director, Eva Weber.

"Due to the tragic accidents in Liverpool and London, the crane industry has recently had its share of negative headlines in the mainstream press; ‘City of Cranes’ will redress the balance by allowing viewers to experience what it is really like to work hundreds of feet above the sky".

According to Eva and Samantha the films are “A visual and poetic celebration of the drivers lives and work”

No matter what - ‘City of Cranes’ is a must see for anybody who has ever worked with cranes or in the construction industry.

The filmmakers are currently working on a longer version of ‘City of Cranes’ that will be released later this year.
