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Fatal tower crane collapse in Bayonne

A tower crane collapsed into the street in the town of Bayonne in France yesterday killing the operator.
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The crane, from Portuguese manufacturer Soima, and owned by its partner in France SBK, had only just been erected and the operator, 42, had only just entered the cab and was carrying out a few test lifts when the incident occurred. The first indications emerging from the investigation is that the failure occurred poured foundation and counterweighted base.
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According to our contact, the poured concrete base on which the crane’s counterweighted cruciform based sat, was only just big enough to and the edge broke away under one of the ‘outriggers’ causing the overturn. We do not have verification of that chain of events, but photos that we have seen do seem to bear it out.

Around 20 families were evacuated from appartements in the same block and are unlikely to regain access before the end of the week at best. Thankfully no one else was hurt in the incident, which is surprising given that this is usually a very busy street.

We understand that the Bayonne prosecutor's office is treating the investigation as one for manslaughter. The project, a mixed residential and commercial development by social housing company Domofrance, which awarded the construction contract to Lapix Bâtiment, a member of the Castillon group.
