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Common sense for older trucks

Transport for London (TfL) - according to SMMT - has opted the most practical way tackle the issue of older trucks that might qualify for Low Emission Certificates.

“There was potential for confusion and an awful lot of bureaucratic effort for both operators and truck makers when trying to prove an older engine still meets the standards and could get a Low Emission Certificate,” says Robin Dickeson, manager, commercial vehicle affairs for the Society. “We met people from TfL, discussed a range of options and we’re delighted to lean they will take a common-sense approach and use Type Approval data to show that an engine’s emissions are acceptable.”

TfL now plans to talk separately to each truck maker to sort the details specific to their models. From February 2008 trucks over 12 tonnes and from July 2008, trucks over 3.5 tonnes will need to show Euro 3 particulate emission performance to qualify for a Low Emission Certificate or pay £200 a day to enter the LEZ.
