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First Versalift VTL 135 ‘AllElectric’

Versalift UK has completed the first production unit of its 13.5 metre ‘VTL 135 AllElectric’, van mounted lift. The battery electric powered VTL 135 superstructure was displayed at Vertikal Days last week on an all electric Ford E-Transit chassis.

The new lift features a two section telescopic boom topped by an articulating jib, to offer a maximum outreach of just over eight metres without the need for stabilisers. The platform is capable of at least 20 full cycles on a single charge and is said to be ideal for telecommunications or street lighting applications.
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The VTL 135 AllElectric at Vertikal Days

The Ford E-Transit van comes with the new Ford Pro system for commercial fleet management, intended to reduce downtime and improve productivity. The unit has a spare payload of 500kg after allowing for fuel, driver and passenger. The chassis boasts a range of between 166 and 196 miles and can be topped up from 15 to 80 percent in 34 minutes with a fast charger.

Versalift UK managing director Andy Bray said: "As a newly awarded Ford Pro Converter, we are thrilled to introduce the Versalift VTL-135 on the all-electric E-Transit. This product is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainability, and we are confident that it will help our customers achieve their goals in a cost effective and eco-friendly way."
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