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Another crane tips in Utah

Two Crane accidents in two days in the Salt Lake City area have triggered a number of local politicians to demand mandatory operator certification.

Yesterday a Rough Terrain crane tipped over on its side in Sandy, Utah while lifting concrete sound barrier panels at the side of a highway, the recovery of the crane disrupted traffic for hours.
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The Accident site in Sandy Utah

It is almost certain that the accident was caused by the fact that the operator only extended the outriggers of the Grove crane on one side - the side facing the barrier. The crane then tipped over while lifting a panel over the front.

On Wednesday the boom of a 90 ton truck crane came crashing down across a house in Orem just south of Salt Lake City.

Democrat senator Gene Davis, said "This is a bigger piece of equipment than most, when failure hits it can risk a lot of life, limb and property. The object is to have certified operators in the seat of these cranes to lessen the impact of these accidents. A semi truck driver has to be certified and a fork lift operator has to be licensed."

Davis has been campaigning for over four years for a law requiring all crane operators to be certified. New regulations come into force next week that take this a step closer to reality.

Wagstaff crane Services the owner of the crane that tipped on Wednesday was called in to lift the Rough Terrain crane yesterday.
