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First CMC S30 arrives in the UK

The first 30 metre CMC S30 spider lift to arrive in the UK has been delivered to Affordable Access Hire, having made appearances at Vertikal Days and the Arb Show.

Launched at Bauma alongside the 27 metre S27 spider lift, the S30 has a maximum working height of 30.3 metres, a maximum outreach of 15.4 metres with 80kg in the platform, while the maximum platform capacity of 230kg is available at an outreach of up to 12.4 metres and an up & over height of 10 metres. The overall weight of the machine is 4,100kg. The new unit takes Affordable’s CMC fleet to 10.
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Operations manager Lewis Wright said: “Our purchases are driven by customer feedback, and they tell us that the CMC’s are no fuss, straight forward to use with the largest working envelope out there. For our business the pricing point means that we can increase our profit margins on hires and the service and support from CMC Lift UK has been outstanding."
